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I feel fortunate to have been born with a passion and a deep connection with the natural world.  My childhood was filled with experiences that drew me close to nature; catching turtles and frogs, studying them and releasing them back in the wild; observing raptors soaring the sky and turning over decaying logs to see what miracles lie beneath them.  My family and my experiences as a Boy Scout, including summers at Camp Babcock Hovey enriched my life as a teenager.

This passion fueled a full career as a Scientific Photographer and culminated in founding and  running a robust Wildlife Education Program.  In retirement it made sense to continue educating and inspiring others and honoring the amazing creatures that live among us.

OMA Wildlife Curios is an attempt to conserve, restore and create Museum quality objects of interest and connect them with those that love and appreciate them.   Every piece is meticulously and skillfully presented in an artistic, educational and tasteful manner hoping they can be enjoyed for years to come.  It is a privilege to give a vintage or antique piece another life through conservation, restoration, or repair and to create new "one of a kind" wildlife curios.

This work is my attempt to honor the species.  Life would not make sense without these miracles of nature.

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